About our school


Penn Elementary

Penn Elementary was first opened in September 1975, using funds from Proposition 20. It started as a K-5 grade school with about 250 students. As a housing development was finished, Penn grew in size to around 1,300 students. After the schools Bethune and Zamorano were built, the student population went down to around 850. Our current enrollment is 416 students.

Classrooms at Penn Elementary are all equipped with individual student devices (laptops or tablets) with access to internet and other educational web sites. Our school received upgrades thanks to Proposition MM. These include upgrades to meet requirements of the Americans with Disabilities Act,such as a new drop-off area and a new sidewalk along Dusk Drive. Our play areas have been resurfaced and play equipment has been replaced. In addition, a fiber-optic upgrade has been completed in all areas of the campus to support future technology resources for students and staff. The entire facility now has ample access for the physically disabled.


Our school is named after William Penn. He was a man who fought for religious freedom. He was originally from England and was encouraged to come to America and help with the building of our country. He founded the state of Pennsylvania and was considered a good governor. He was a man who loved peace. When negotiating a treaty with the Leni Lenape indian tribe, William Penn wrote to them these words, "I desire to gain your love and friendship by a kind, just and peaceable life."

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